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All Saints communal area with vaulted ceiling

All Saints

Originally built as a children’s home in 1875, this five-storey Victorian building has been restored to its former glory by EPR Architects, who now call the building home.

The retrofit included opening up spaces to the meet the studio’s needs with a central hall now forming the focus of the building. The cantilevered staircase, mosaic tiled floors and original brickwork have all been retained while the masonry and windows have been restored and upgraded to meet higher thermal performance.

The net zero carbon studio achieved a BREEAM ‘Excellent’ rating and embodies many of the WELL Building standards. A new wellness room has been incorporated as well as access to new, green terraces. A new entrance for cyclists was created which mirrors the entrance to the Imperial War Museum staff quarters to the rear.

Winner - RIBA London Regional Awards 2024

Winner - Projects up to 2,500m² - BCO Regional Awards (London) 2024


EPR Studio Ltd





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