People / Martin Rowark

Martin Rowark

Martin Rowark headshot


 +44 (0)7540 914 255



Martin specialises in complex acquisition and commercial strategies within the Infrastructure sector - in particular road, rail and nuclear - both in the UK and internationally.

Previous roles include Director of Commercial at TfL with responsibility for Upgrades programmes and, prior to TfL, Procurement Director at Crossrail. Along with the successful procurement of Crossrail, Martin counts his contribution to the procurement of the London 2012 Olympics as a career highlight.

A Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and Institute of Civil Engineers (ICE), Martin is also currently a member of the HS2 Independent Assurance Panel, leading on Commercial and Procurement.

Martin led the authorship of the Procurement Module of the Infrastructure and Projects Authority Projects Initiation (IPA) Route Map best practice tool kit.
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