Posted On June 19, 2017 By Miles Delap
G&T Appointed on CCS Framework
Gardiner & Theobald has been appointed on the Crown Commercial Services (CCS) Project Management & Full Design Team Services Framework (PMFDTS).
Crown Commercial Services (CCS) is an Executive Agency of the Cabinet Office, supporting the public sector to achieve maximum commercial value when procuring common goods and services.
The framework provides access to project management, design and a range of additional technical services to help public sector organisations deliver construction projects expected to be worth between £1.6bn and £2.8bn over the four year framework period.
The EU compliant PMFDTS framework supports the Government’s policy to centrally manage the procurement of common goods and services through an integrated commercial function at the heart of government. It can be used by organisations across the UK public sector including central government, local government, health, education, devolved administrations, emergency services, defence and not-for-profit organisations.

"As a framework supplier G&T has been carefully evaluated during the tender process."G&T Partner and PMFDTS Framework Manager, Miles Delap
G&T Partner and PMFDTS Framework Manager, Miles Delap commented, “We are delighted to be appointed on this framework which will help public sector clients save time and money on procurement exercises. As a framework supplier G&T has been carefully evaluated during the tender process and our pre-agreed terms and conditions offer sound contractual safeguards. Through the competitive tender process and regular benchmarking, CCS ensures our public sector clients have access to the most competitive deals.”
CCS is an executive agency of the Cabinet Office and operates as a trading fund under the Government Trading Funds Act 1973. It brings together Government’s central commercial capability into a single organisation, amalgamating Government Procurement Service with other commercial teams from the Cabinet Office and central government departments. The CCS remit is to work with both departments and organisations across the whole of the public sector to ensure maximum value is extracted from every commercial relationship and improve the quality of service delivery.